Well, here we are on the last day of our trip. I can't believe it has gone by so fast. The thought of this week going by so fast makes me think that I'd better get going on getting rid of things as soon as I get home. The plan at this point is that Jim and me and the kids will begin our trip to move to Mexico six months from tomorrow, Lord willing. We are getting very excited about the thought. We have decided to do a tourist move and get missionary visas while here in Mexico. That means, when we leave Portland, it will be with what we can fit in our car. Sounds like fun, huh? The kids are even looking forward to it. They said they were going to have a contest to see who could learn to speak Spanish first. :o)
Well, on to the blog of our team. Yesterday afternoon we planned carnival type activities with five stations and five groups of kids (boys first then the girls). They went around to do all five activites and had score cards. At the end of it all, we had a medal for everyone and gold, silver and bronze medals for the most points. We were told that it was the first time that they had seen something like this work. Other teams had tried but they couldn't get all the kids to participate. We were very pleased with how it turned out.
Well, on to the blog of our team. Yesterday afternoon we planned carnival type activities with five stations and five groups of kids (boys first then the girls). They went around to do all five activites and had score cards. At the end of it all, we had a medal for everyone and gold, silver and bronze medals for the most points. We were told that it was the first time that they had seen something like this work. Other teams had tried but they couldn't get all the kids to participate. We were very pleased with how it turned out.
Yesterday I mentioned that we went to downtown Puebla but I didn't have any pictures. Today I have the pictures from that trip.
Here a couple of pictures from our trip to Cholula also.
These are a couple of street venders. One is selling fruit the other is selling flowers.
Well, that's all for now. At 4:00 this afternoon EV is having the despedida fiesta or the farewell party. I will put pictures of that up when I return home. I also have some pictures from church this morning that I will put on at that time also. Thank you all for your prayers. We arrive home tomorrow night at about 11:00 PM. Five of our team members are continuing their trip by three days so they will return on Wednesday. Please keep them in your prayers for safe travel. They are Lissa, Dan & Susan and Steve & Sue. Also keep the other eight in prayer for safe travel tomorrow. They are Jim, Gail, Erin & Jonathan, Nici, Rose, Adrina, and Mike.
Adios for now.
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