Monday, December 29, 2008
Time to Get Moving
Written by Gail on Monday, December 29, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
My Christmas Day is Complete
Well, the only thing that could have made today better was to have seen Kristen, Taylor and the grand kids. They surprised us by coming by tonight which just made my Christmas day perfect. Seeing all of our kids and grand kids today was more than I expected. It was wonderful!

Written by Gail on Thursday, December 25, 2008 0 comments
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
It has been a wonderful day and for those of you in the Fairview/Gresham area, if you looked out your windows, there was an amazing sight of snow falling in huge flakes . It was absolutely beautiful and something that does not happen around here. Having a white Christmas is not something we see. What a wonderful God we serve that would allow us to have see this before we move to Mexico where will not have snow at all. It is absolutely amazing! The kids are yelling that the snow flakes are the size of golf balls.
It looks like so much more snow falling when you are seeing it personally

This is looking over at the freeway that is about 1/10 of a mile away.

This is snow that has piled up on a small shed by the side of our house.
This side of the house is actually sheltered a bit.

Here are snow piles that Jim was shoveling off our awning at our back door.
The pile was 30-36 inches deep. There have been awnings like ours that have collapsed under the weight. We are very glad he noticed it before that happened.

James came over and spent Christmas Eve with us and then spent the night to be here on Christmas morning. The kids are able to open one present on Christmas Eve and they chose to open their presents from James last night. We had a great time playing Erin's new game that she received from him.

I think she likes her the hand she was dealt.

I actual did it. I took a picture that came out by holding the camera out in front of us. I see Kristen do this all the time but mine never come out. This one of me and James did though. Yea!

James is opening his gift of money to go towards tools. There is one tool that he wants that is quite expensive. We could not get it all for him but we at least helped him get closer to getting it.

Jonathan's big present was a Star Wars Lego AT-TE Walker. He has spent the rest of the day so far trying to put it all together. There are 499 pieces to it.

Erin got a new pink metallic Nintendo DS Lite for Christmas. Other than their big presents, they got socks and a new Bible.

We also did some new movies for the family that we have wanted. Jonathan opened The Hobbit.

Written by Gail on Thursday, December 25, 2008 0 comments
For Unto You Is Born This Day...
What a wonderful gift that was given to us. The best gift of all. I pray that today, you would find joy in the fact that our Savior humbled himself and came to earth as a child with the purpose of giving his life for us so we could have fellowship with God and glorify Him. Merry Christmas!
Written by Gail on Thursday, December 25, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Written by Gail on Wednesday, December 24, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas with the Bradleys
The weather has really made things difficult. One thing that it affected was our Christmas with Kristen, Taylor and the grandkids. They were supposed to come over tomorrow but again we are expecting more snow and freezing rain. It is not due to be above freezing so since the grandkids have been sick and the weather has been poor, we went over to their house tonight and brought pizza and we opened presents with them. I was the first time Jim had seen Victory and he is six weeks old tomorrow. (Funny thing is, Victory still hasn't reached his due date which was December 30.)


Preston & Erin
Gail and Preston
Written by Gail on Tuesday, December 23, 2008 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
December 22
Jim made it home this morning about 12:45AM. He and Jermaine drove from San Jose to make it home which is good because this morning they still had not opened up the Portland airport. They would still be stuck in San Jose if they had not driven home with more snow on the way. They were also able to give a ride to two members of the military who were on their way back to the northwest, Airman Veronica is now with her uncle in Lake Oswego while Marine David is trying to make it to his parents in Seattle but we got him to family members who live in Wood Village. They had great travel and were surprised how clear it was of snow until they got close to Portland. We are glad to have them back home for the holidays. Jim was really concerned of not making it home from San Jose until after Christmas, so this is a true blessing.
Here are some more pictures. Some of them are the same and that is not to be redundant but instead to be able to compare to past days.
Out out backdoor, the piles have grown.

Written by Gail on Monday, December 22, 2008 2 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Pictures of the Snow

Looking out our back door.

Written by Gail on Sunday, December 21, 2008 0 comments
The Weatherman Was Finally Right
...and it is really messing things up. Yesterday the weatherman predicted 6-10 inches of snow with freezing rain following. Well, last night became a blizzard in the Portland area, with 30-50 mph wind gusts and visibility of only a mile or less. Although it was neat to see, it was very cold and I was out at the tree lot from 12-6PM. We closed down at 6PM due to the weather. The funny thing is that when the storm hit yesterday, it was still fall. Winter officially starts today.
Here in Fairview, we received 8 inches of snow according to the weatherman this morning. We are now have freezing rain and there are freeways closed from Troutdale to The Dalles, about a 70 mile stretch of highway. Chains are required for all travel on the freeways and for all travel around town. RIght now, it is 18 degrees in Fairview.
This has affected us also with Jim's flight home last night being cancelled. Right now, his flight is delayed to take off this morning and possibly will not happen today. It was scheduled to take off at 8:45 and was delayed to 9AM and now is delayed to 10AM. We are praying that he gets home today. The longer it is delayed, the harder it will be to get home as more and more flights are full. He talked about renting a car and driving home. Please pray he gets home. Jermaine also is stuck at the airport waiting to get home. He was due in yesterday afternoon and his flight got cancelled also. He was in Las Vegas and this morning he is flying to San Jose because of the delays in weather. If that happens, Jim and Jermaine may be able to visit for a while. Maybe they could even get on the same flight home. Jim had talked about renting a car to get home and driving up the coast. I just heard that one of the routes from the coast to Portland is closed also. So, getting home is going to be interesting. We just want them home by Christmas.
When the sun rises, I will try to get some more pictures to show you. For now, I am going to go and get a cup of coffee and settle in for the day. Hmmm...good thing I did most of my Christmas shopping. Sounds like a good day to do my Christmas baking.
Written by Gail on Sunday, December 21, 2008 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
It's Snowing Again
Who would have thought waking up to rain and 37 degrees at 7:30 in the morning, would result in snow like this by 10:00 in the morning? It is absolutely beautiful!
Written by Gail on Thursday, December 18, 2008 0 comments