Saturday, April 18, 2009

We're in San Jose

The day we arrived in Sacramento at Amy's house, the kids had a lemonade stand. It was cute and they made a great sign for it. When the sale was done, they had raised $10.00. Amy blessed us by telling us that they raised it for us. What a blessing they were to us.

We had a wonderful time with Amy and Kyle and their family. We were so blessed by their hospitality. Amy cooked delicious meals for us and we are so thankful. Here are a couple of pictures.

Amy and Gail

Avery and Adison

Adia and Erin

We are staying in a hotel this week that we have been blessed with. It has been paid in full. What a blessing it is. The kids wanted to go swimming so we went when we got back from a late dinner. It was almost 9:00 but they enjoyed the swim anyway.

Our itinerary for this week:
Sunday, April 19 - We will be going to church at South Hills. It is the church we went to when we lived here.

Tuesday, April 21 - Dinner at a friends house in the evening.

Friday, April 24 - Farewell Dinner by Adrian, Jim's boss of almost 29 years. The staff where Jim worked will be attending and also some of our friends.

Saturday, April 25 - leave for LA where we will stay the night at our friend's the Bubnas.

I am sure there will be more things we will do this week and I will post as we do things. We have more friends that we are trying to catch up with, some of which we will see tomorrow at church.