Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rice and Beans and Beans and Rice

Before we moved to Mexico, we told the kids we would be eating lots of rice and beans and beans and rice. Well, the rice part has certainly been very true. We bought a rice cooker before leaving after using our daughter's and we have used it for probably 85% of all our dinner meals. I love the rice cooker because my rice turns out great and I don't have to watch it closely.

I tried my hands at making homemade refried beans also but they didn't turn out very good. Thanks again to my daughter who put a web site about crock pot cooking on her blog, I found a way to cook my beans in the crock pot and then freeze them to use just as you would using canned beans. So I have prepared a whole bag of black beans to use with different recipes. To find out how to cook them, just click here.

If you like beans and want to save some money by not having to buy canned beans, try it, it works really well.