It is a beautiful morning here in Mexico. The sun is shining and there is a cool breeze flowing through the house. The birds are chirping, including Tweeter and the church bells are ringing in the distance. It sounds like the start of a wonderful day.
Yesterday I was gone most of the day taking pictures for the new mission team that is here. They are from Wisconsin and have been a delight to get to know. They have two Spanish speakers on their team which is great. It's not necessary to have Spanish speakers on a team that come here but it is helpful. If a team does not have anyone who speaks Spanish, then translators are provided for them. Their theme is "The Fingerprint of God." They made name tags with fingerprint animals and sock puppets. It was really neat and the kids really enjoyed it.
This is one of the little girls looking out the window at the group doing their work project. They put a new canvas top on one of the school room tents.
Just playing with some of the yarn.
Erin and Maribel
Playing on the playground.
So precious.
Jonathan and Josiah (one of the other missionary kids).
Mario made his puppet and named him "Mario."
Busy making a sock puppet.
Kevin enjoyed this project.
Last night we had the Despedida (Farewell) for the Morning Star team. They were the team that went to Oaxaca to minister in the village. We had a dinner of chicken in mole sauce, rice and beans. Yummm! After dinner we had a special dessert. I don't remember the name of it but it was like a custard. It was very yummy. Next we prayed for the team and then they prayed for us. They formed what they called "the tunnel of fire" and we went through having them pray for us. There were about twelve of them and they all prayed for each person. It was an incredible time. The Morning Star group is heading back home today. They blessed us here at EV immensely. That's about all for now. Blessings to all of you, our family and friends. Thank you for your prayers and support.
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