Friday, July 24, 2009

50 Years Old

Today Jim turned 50 years old. I just realized as I was uploading pictures from my camera, I realized that I had no pictures of Jim. But, I have a couple of pictures from the kids having cake. We bought two big Costco cakes and brought them to Esperanza Viva to have cake with all the kids. They came over and sang a Spanish happy birthday song. It was fun. Tonight, we had a lasagna dinner and then took a bike ride. It's been a fun day.
Thoughts: "I sure wish I could have another piece." I did have one little girl come up and said something about "dobles" which I finally figured out that she was asking for a second piece. It was rather funny.
These boys knew right where to be - not far from the cake.
Luis Abram liked the green part.


Mom of thirteen said...

Happy Birthday Jim!