Saturday, July 04, 2009

¡Feliz Cumpleaños a Jonathan!

It is hard to believe, but Jonathan is 14 years old today. Where did the years go? I used to have this tiny baby in my arms and now I have a young man beside me. We are thrilled with the man he is becoming and thank God for giving him to us.

We had a birthday party for Jonathan and Erin (since Erin didn't really get a birthday party this year). Both Jonathan and Erin were allowed to invite two friends from Esperanza Viva to come over and we also had two other missionary families come. Everyone had a great time. We had pizza, chips, soda, cake and ice cream. Jonathan was feeling well enough to have all of it without any medications today at all. Praise the Lord!

The kids had a great time playing the Game Cube.
Here is Jonathan with his friend Kevin. It's hard to believe but Kevin is 13.
Jonathan opening up his cards.
Jonathan with his two friends, Kevin and Mario. Mario is nine.
Here's Mario playing in our back yard with a balloon.
The girls ended up doing other things and here are the boys, still playing the Game Cube.
Jonathan, Kevin, Mario, Rosa, Maribel, and Erin.
Silly boys.
Silly girls.