Monday, September 15, 2008

Our New Curriculum

Psalm 101
Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the LORD is God.
It is he who makes us, and we are his;
we are his people, the sheeo of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good and his love
endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through
all generations.

We began using Teaching God's Heart for the World today. We began by reading Psalm 100 - 101 and worshipping with a new kids worship CD that I bought recently. We went over what the Gospel Message is which was a review for the kids but it is always good to have a reminder. We had a prayer project to look at current newspaper and to find an international need and pray together for it. Well, our newspaper had pictures from Hurricane Ike on the front page. It was not international news, but Jim thought it would be a good one to look at. We got the computer out and the kids were able to see the needs that are in Texas because of the hurricane. We then prayed for the people who were left homeless and in need. It was good for the kids to look beyond themselves and pray for those they don't even know.

This week our main focus in school is Bible and prayer. The kids are still doing Spanish every day this week and we will be doing some math. The curriculum requires us to have a personal prayer time and Bible reading time which should get the kids into a better habit of having these times on their own without Mom and Dad. Even though we tell them they should have this time, it is hard if it is not planned into the day to day life. With it being part of their daily school work, it should work better.


Middleton said...

Wow! What a great way to start a day. We might just do that right now and forget the other stuff I had planned. I haven't looked at your blog in a while and i love all the school pictures and updates. I was recently thinking I would change the look of my blog with the seasons too.

Gail said...

Hi Amy,
Thanks. I didn't think about it until after you posted but there is now a link attached to the curriculum name if you wanted to check it out more.
Next week we begin learning about the Old Testament and Israel. The next week it is the New Testament and the Roman Empire. I just went to the library and checked out a bunch of books for these two subjects. I am very excited and the kids are liking it also.
You still have to suppliment with some of the subjects but we already had that curriculum.
Happy schooling today!


The Millers said...

Hi Gail, Just saw a link to your blog on my sisters page. It was great to see you at Tammy's party. So fun to see all the homeschooling fun you've been up to! You seem like a super teacher! Take Care!!!

Gail said...

Thanks Stacey, it was great to you and the family also. We had a great time! It was nice for the kids to see where their dad has worked for all of these years. :o)
