Remember the saying, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb? The last week of February brought snow to us here in the Portland area. Once the snow left, we had rain, rain and more rain. In fact, it is raining still. The forecast for the next week is calling for rain. We love the rain but we are ready for spring so we are really hoping that March will truly go out like a lamb.
Last weekend Jonathan went on the high school winter retreat. He had a fabulous time and was really touched by the Lord. We are enjoying watching him grow in his faith. He is in a Bible study on Thursday nights with a small group of young people and is enjoying it very much. Erin will be going on the middle school winter retreat in two weeks. She is very excited for this. She contiues to grow in the Lord also and is involved with her weekly discipleship group. We're very proud of both of them.
Recently I decided to look for some of my art work from before Jim and I got married. Here are a few drawings I did when I was a teenager. I am loving getting back into my art. It has been a long time since I have done any. The kids are continuing to enjoy their art school and I am enjoying some of the things I am learning from helping out in the classes.

You have a God given talent. Keep creating and honing that talent. Love the ballerina and the Mt. hood Painting. Beautiful.
Thanks, Malissa. It has been a lot of fun.
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