Sunday, July 26, 2009


Okay, it's now the end of the day and I am finally getting around to posting the rest of the pictures from our day at Africam Safari yesterday.

It was great to get out and go to the Africam Safari because it has been kind of a tough week. On Wednesday I went out for coffee with a friend. It tasted so good. You know, the foo-foo kind of coffee? It was an Oreo frapachino type coffee and I haven't had one of those in months. I had a great time talking with my friend, Mary, for about two and a half hours. That doesn't happen real often here either. In fact it was the first time for something like that since we arrived. Well, I bought one of these drinks for Jonathan and Erin also and brought them home to them. They enjoyed them also although Erin only drank about half of hers and Jonathan drank his and the other half of Erin's. That night, I got so sick I wasn't able to go to church and slept all night. Jonathan has not been feeling well ever since either but he didn't throw up like I did. Erin did not eat the cream off her drink but Jonathan and I did so we are thinking it may have been bad cream even though it tasted really good. Jonathan has continued to have his stomach hurt so please keep him in your prayers. I have not been feeling sick but I have had a headache everyday until this morning. Yea! It's gone! Anyway, all that to say, that the driving part for Jonathan was pretty good but he didn't want to go into any of the walking parts so we will be going back again for that part when everyone is feeling up to par.

The largest rodent in the world is the Capybara. Jonathan knew exactly what it was. Sometimes I wonder where he knows this stuff.

Many times we had to wait for the animals to cross the road at their leisure in order to move on.
" Pretty bird, pretty bird, Polly wants a cracker."
This rhinoserous used his camouflage very well. From a distance, it was hard to tell him from many of the rocks.
We never did see an ostrich with his head in the sand.
The animal is called a Nu.

This is a type of buffalo.