Jonathan has needed a hair cut for while but we haven't gotten him into the barber. The other night, when we were at a friend's house, they offered to loan us their hair clippers and I gave Jonathan a hair cut. Here are the before, during and after pictures.
Isn't he handsome? He got many compliments today at church. Of course, since I gave him the haircut it made me feel good.
After giving Jonathan his haircut, we went downtown to look for bikes. We had been talking about getting them for a while. So after going into almost every bike shop we saw, and then having lunch, we bought four bikes and four helmets. Today, we went for a ride on them over to a friend's house. We had a great ride and if the clouds had not been so dark, we may have ridden for longer.
The following pictures are what happens when it rains here. Unlike in Oregon where it rains all day long, they like to consolidate a whole days worth of rain into about an hour. When it rains that hard, the following pictures are what you see.
There was a man on the other side of this bus walking when it made a splash like this. The poor guy was drenched. Here's a car helping a taxi loaded down with people that stalled from the water.
This is just down the street from our house. There are speed bumps where the cars are but you can't see them because the water is covering them.
This is the third rain like this since Friday. It is quite amazing. I hope we won't be riding our bikes in this.
That's about it. I'll try to write more later.
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there.
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