Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Prayer Request

We are requesting prayer. For the last two weeks, I have been having sharp pains off and on in my pelvic area. I went in after a week of them and saw a doctor. He ran blood tests and ordered an ultrasound. I stopped having so much pain so I didn't call to make the appointment right away. Well, on Sunday night (Feb. 8) I had about a half hour of severe pain so I called the next morning and they got me in that day (Feb. 9) for the ultra sound. I had a follow up with my doctor today and it seems that I have a 3.7 cm cyst on my left ovary. This cyst has some blood in it. It is possible that the cyst may have leaked some of that blood which could have caused my severe pain on Sunday night. That could mean that the cyst is resolving itself. That would be good. I will have a repeat ultrasound in five weeks and we are praying that by then, it will have shrunk and no further action will be needed. If it has not shrunk but has grown, surgery may be required. We are in need of prayer because we are supposed to leave town on April 13th or 14th and this could really affect that. That is less then nine weeks away. Satan would like nothing better than to discourage us and mess up our plans. But, we have a God who heals and He is in control of our move to Mexico. He is the one who has called us and He is the one who knows all the circumstances surrounding that move. So, please pray that everything will follow in His plans. Thank you for your prayers.