We arrived in San Luis Potosi this evening about 7:00PM. This is where we are staying the night and tomorrow we will be on our way to Cholula, Puebla. It has been a wonderful day today. I can't express the feelings of finally being in Mexico and almost to Puebla. It is so exciting!
Here is Jonathan going down the zip-line. I received a rose from the kids at the home and they sang me a Mother's Day song. It was so cool!
Here we are with all the kids from Matamoros.
Jim talked to the kids on Sunday morning during their church service.
Elias went to the mall where they receive food that can't be sold. Sunday was a low day for donations but some weeks they get a lot of food. One week they got so much food that they were able to give away 60 bags of food to families in the community. They help 80 families in the community around them. They always bless others with what God blesses them with. All of the food they get there at Matamoros is food that others would not eat. God is so good. They sure made awesome meals with the food.
Last night we had a great final night at Esperanza Viva Matamoros. We decided to get pizza for everyone for a special meal. Since it was Mother's Day, getting pizza gave Flora the night off from cooking. She was very happy about that. Dominos had a sale going on - buy one pizza, get a second for free. So Jim bought enough for each person to have four pieces. Some had more, some had less but everyone was full when we were done and there was some left over. Some of the kids had never had pizza before in their entire life.
Carlos liked the pizza.
The difference between pizza in the states and pizza in Matamoros is that pizza in Matamoros comes with two kinds of hot sauce as well as crushed red pepper. Carlos put a whole container (about the size of a nugget sauce at McDonald's) on his one piece of pizza and then ate the whole thing. One of the boys was putting all three kinds of toppings on. Yikes!
Flora is enjoying sitting back and not having to cook dinner on this Mother's Day.
Elias also enjoyed the pizza.
This was a great picture! That's a lot of pizza and soda.
We're not sure what exactly was growing here. We think it is a type of corn. There were thousands of acres growing.
These are not the worst houses we saw. It was amazing to see how people live. The kids were amazed.
These catus were everywhere and some had these flowers hanging from them. They were really neat.
We won't have Internet right away when we get to Esperanza Viva in Cholula but we will try to at least put a post on the we arrived. So, until then, adios.
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