About our travel day: We all met at the airport at 5:00 AM for our 6:50 flight. Our flight went well and arrive in Mexico City a few minutes early. We then all made it through customs and on to get our bags at the baggage claim. They have changed the way they do things there now. On your way out of customs, they put all of your luggage through the x-ray like they do when you are getting on a flight. Then you press the button to see if you get a red or green light. We got a green but someone still stopped us and wanted to see inside a bag that was on the very bottom of the pile. So, we unloaded all the bags from the cart and gave him the back. It was the bag that had a huge bag of chocolate chips in it. It looked like he was thinking about whether or not to let them through but in the end he put them back inside the bag. One of the missionaries here makes chocolate chip cookies but the chocolate you get in Mexico is very grainy so we always bring her a bag from Costco. Sue M. got one of her bags searched also and the man didn't quite know what to do about the ping pong balls. Hmmm... Well, everyone who had bags searched did just fine. Thank you Lord.
After that, we were able to go through and buy bus tickets for the two hour trip to Puebla. The bus ride was good with nothing major going on. We arrive in Puebla around 8:15 and Juana, the team coordinator, met us with help and we drove to the guest house.
There they had sandwiches ready for us and so we all ate. Once that was done, we went on to empty all of the activity supplies out of the suitcases and so we could be ready for today.
We ended the night in prayer time and everyone was so pleased with how the trip went. We are looking forward, with anticipation, to all that God has planned for our team. Thank you for all your prayers.
Tomorrow someone else from the team will write the blog so you will be able to hear from someone other than just me. I don't have pictures to put on today but I hope to get some up tomorrow.
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