Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Redemption and Transformation

Jesus is in the business of redeeming and transforming lives. In September we posted a blog about a kitten we found on the streets. This little cat, Sandy, was in very bad shape. She couldn't purr and she couldn't meow, most likely because of abuse. If she had not been picked up off the streets, she would have been lost forever. On the streets, there was no hope for this little kitten.  

This is a picture of Sandy when she first came to our house. 

We work with kids that are left out on the streets or have no place to go. Without help, there is no hope for them.  They are abused and neglected. We heard a story of one girl that came to Esperanza Viva years ago, who could not even speak, she had been so tramatized.

Galatians 3:18 says, "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

You see, as the children come to Esperanza Viva, they are introduced to a redeeming and transforming Savior. Today, the girl who could not speak, can now speak. God has redeemed and transformed her life and brought healing to her as well as many other children we work with.

I thought of this the other morning when I was getting ready for the day. I was by the closet and I heard this tiny meow. When I looked down, it was Sandy. She was actually meowing and purring. Then again this morning, she was accidentally locked in the laundry room, but I heard her meow through a closed door. I was able to go to her and let her out.  It seems that she is being healed the longer she is here. 

This is a picture of Sandy today.

Lord, I thank you for your redeeming love and your transforming power.  I thank you that we can turn to you with our hurts and you heal us.  Please touch those that need your redeeming love and transforming power today. 


Alexis said...

wow, that's awesome. And the before and after of Sandy is incredible! Continue to transform lives where you are.

Unknown said...

precious entry